From Tom to Tom?
Tom Posted:
There are only linguistically based perspectives.
Knowledge is shaped by language.
To interpret a thing is to become a master of it.
Concepts are only possible when they are words.
There is no direct experience of reality possible.
Knowledge is social.
Ok, so according to these statements, when we combine it to one:
Language defines our perception and extent of reality; which in turn sets a boundary at which each individual is at the apex of all knowledge (at least that of which he or she knows).
In other words: my brain is limited by language, but since what I know is all of what I know (since one is oblivious of what he/she doesn't know, if and only if he/she doesn't acknowledge existence out of known boundary), and if I know everything of what I do know, then I am an expert of my own brain. This makes me right and everything else wrong, at least in my mind. I am only wrong only if I decide that there is something else that is more correct than my beleif of truth or perception/status of a specific subject or object. And when I decide to beleive that this outside statement is more correct, or is a better perception than my own, I make this new beleif part of my truth. Thus language sets boundaries to what we can learn, yet if we have open minds to new lessons, we can obtain new or different perspectives of subjects/objects.
So I suppose my conclusion to this is: "The mind is a powerful tool, don't let it take control of you. Have an open mind to surpass boundaries set by yourself and others"
=LC= Kumoi said... ****************************************
I'm pretty sure that language develops even in the lack of social interaction, as a basis for concious existence. I remember hearing some scientific basis for it, but I can't back it up.
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