Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Fiona Rollerblade Re-do


Alright ladies and gents, this is an image that I just finished in an attempt to re-do an image I did about 2 years ago, in order to see how much my art style has changed and also to see how much I've improved.

Below is the actual image that I did 2 years ago, w/out stripes nor much detail.

The finished photoshopped image is below.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Drool & Disappointment

Ladies and Gentlemen:
Behold, the best looking rifle I have ever seen on the planet. At least that for children.


Peoples... This is the Nerf Longshot from N-Strike series. I just had the pleasure and privaledge of seeing this little monster in action, along with getting to play with it. And I must say, one of the most aesthetically appealing nerf guns I've ever seen. Of course, I am not a Nerf maniac so I'm not too familiar with past products. On the other hand, a Nerf Sniper Rifle? who can pass up such a tempting offer?

Well, after playing with it for about an hour and trying to analize each spec, crevice and corner, I came to the conclusion that such marvel is not a worthy investment. Sure I enjoy the fact that its an awesome looking nerf gun, and that it can aim-shoot at long range and it's little gadgets and features are amazing (Especially the load indicator), yet a sniper rifle that doesnt have a range that goes from one side of a hall to another is indeed something sad.

Thus what am I going to do about it?
Make my own Nerf gun MUHAHAHAHAHA.
Most nerf guns use one of two mechanisms: spring loaded or air pumped. And even for those that are spring loaded, they function by the following:
A compressed spring pushes a compartment to compress, which in itself also contains air. Thus either method, pumped or compressed, they are quite effective, yet are sad in range. How do we fix this part? heavier darts? higher compression? Car springs?

For now, the ninja needs to think a little more...
Apparantly the world has gone far from shuriken and kunai since I last checked.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Ok Gents. Apparantly Tom (mah bro) is doing a little contest with randomly generated sentences. I just posted mine and the first thing that was generated after inputting 2 nouns was the following:

"Kumoi teams Satan above a smaller fountain. Kumoi winds the adverse lunatic next to the unavoidable safeguard. His twin banks Satan beneath the spring interpreter. Satan troubles kumoi beneath a cluster. A landlord budgets kumoi. Kumoi resigns Satan in a pedal."

MUHAHAHA... awesomeness. The day I resign satan in a pedal is the day I inherit the underworld. Behold!
This website also generated some other random sentences later on:

"Kumoi rules beside Franco. The playground compacts Franco across the deposit. The glue lodges a barred sea. The threshold cries outside Franco."

When can the anomaly waste a continuing continent? Will an allowed agenda fever Bill Gates? Lazycomics jokes before the waved union. The doomed bigot dances with a deprived object. Bill Gates responds above Lazycomics. The aircraft appears next to this envelope."

Kumoi stocks Lilith. Lilith shouts below Kumoi. Lilith pilots any skirt. The quibble cautions above the autobiography! Every distant downhill rushes Kumoi over a sickening rag. Lilith soles Kumoi."

"Kumoi deserves Lilith near a freeze. Kumoi trails behind Lilith. Kumoi grasses the scrap grain near the helmet. Lilith furthers Kumoi. The entrance relates a baroque antidote."

Now for a conglomeration of very weird part-sentences:
"Lilith wastes Kumoi. Lilith cracks Kumoi below a pig. Kumoi husbands the scared circuitry."
Lilith prefers Kumoi outside an analyst. Lilith stretches outside the cook."

Ok ok.... I think we got the point... but.. Oh my god...this is so fun.
Oh wait, I have another idea!

George W. Bush troops the immoral belt before a resemblance. Jesus Christ knifes George W. Bush. Underneath a generalized altogether recovers the planted gender. Why won't George W. Bush withdraw on top of Jesus Christ? How will Jesus Christ puzzle inside a surrounding injustice? The conference accents George W. Bush."

@_@.. umm... Ok, this last one was a little scary.

I stop now.

P.S.: visit My L33T Bro's Blog for contest on random sentences

Thursday, October 12, 2006

LC test

Weee... LC is going up soon Yays.
Hopefully, soon we will have the official site up soon.
Still working on forum ^_^
wish us luck. we will soon be back MUHAHAHA
here is link:


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Lilith and Kumoi

Here is something I did while out this October break ^_^.

Lilith, Pre-LC, Bad 2 the Bone Final

Ok here it is gents. This is Lilith before she joins LC. Somewhat of a rebelious/vengeful, yet somewhere in there is a kind and caring heart... this character's personality will further develop as she joins LC-crew

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Lilith: Bad 2 the Bone

Giving her very wild hair and shoulder-holster. Still not done